Friday, July 18, 2014

The Religious Opiate

The jingoism of religious worship today plays a terribly effectual role in the lackadaisical sentiment of the common Nigerian, who'd rather build a hole in the wall and relive his wailing there when pushed to the extreme than raise a finger to fight back. Our brothers and sisters are perpetually misled right from the duplicity of the titles for which the several conventions and crusades and vigils are convoked or publicised to the interpretation of the holy texts from whence they are re-indoctrinated.

They flock to these like bees to a comb. And why shouldn't they? It's the opium they need to numb the pain of their inured oppression and to evoke in them a high that temporarily relegates their worries to the shadows making them sated in the orgies of hallelujahs and amens. That'll do, until it's effects peter out, their issues crawl out of those shadows like ants from a disturbed woodwork and they need another infusion.

The cycle is self-sustaining. Your shouting yourself hoarse can't penetrate the spiritual coating nor the biblical defences erected by the preachments delivered to them ahead of time in expectations of your gratuitous assistance. It then reaches the point where you are called the name your intervention in their spirituality deserves. You are the devil.

If you don't give up then, you deserves what happens next to you as well.

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