Sunday, December 8, 2013

For the love of noisemaking (aka music)

My grouse with contemporary poplar music: if it's not too noisy and utterly meaningless, it fails in market. It seems the buyers silently pass a message to the artistes viz: wanna gain commercially? Join the bandwagon of meaningless musicians.

In the end, what they sell is really the beat, rhythm and tempo of the accompanying music which, for the most part, is also a coterie of noise. They have successfully redefined what music is. It used to be an organised sound pleasing to the ears (elementary school definition in which class Handel's Messiah fits) to something else not immediately susceptible to actual musical description.

Buyers and listeners play their role in this turnaround to perfection. They patronise them because it's "trendy" to do so, it's what's in vogue. They thus starve those who attempt to make some sense in their lyrics and musical content so much that these latter artistes are left with no choice but to attempt to "belong" to the list of noisemakers or quit the scene for something else commercially rewarding.

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