The greatest tragedy of a democracy is an enfeebled, terminally bedridden, anaemic and debilitated opposition more concerned with its internal grime as it persists in the death throes of its self-induced, corruption-tinted morass.
And the people who could've reaped the conflictual benefits from the contestation between incumbent and opposition for the soul of power are rather exposed to the concatenation of consequences of the wiles and caprices of intoxication that absolute power bequeaths on the unrestrained governing party.
Conjoined with "representation without consultation", the people become mere victims of what can best be described as a caricature of a shadow called democracy, for want of a better word. That political system was not envisioned, in its best practice, to be without a virulent opposition and representation was to go hand-in-glove with consultation of those thus represented. Yet, what do we experience? Everything but.
And where, in other climes, this has evoked the people to coalesce in single-minded, homogenous, undiversified objective to make the tribe of political selfish oafs realise that their self-seeking antics will no longer be tolerated and that enough is enough, what do you find? A divided house spewing brickbats at each other, taking one suicidal side or the other while their lifeblood seeps to the earth from gashes inflicted by the hand of brother or sister.
Emboldened by the absolute lack of substantial checks and total absence of counterbalancing anywhere on the horizon, is it any surprising that we find the incumbent strutting its stuff with the swagger of a teenaged hippy with a whiff of independence away from the prying eyes of doting parents? Who's to enforce correct behaviour? Who's to keep discipline? Who's to effect correction?