Based on each and every of your recent posts here, one would be forgiven to believe that you have been and remain a "Business Person" as it clearly indicates on your profile. But that has not been the case for the better part of the last year and this one. You have been, in that time, an honourable member of what is the Presidential system of Government in Nigeria with three distinct but complementary arms namely the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary, each acting as a check on the other two.
So, if you think these views of yours reflects badly on one arm because by happenstance you are in the opposition and so, as commonsense will have it, you are inculpable with no qualms about responsibility for bringing about a difference in the lives of Nigerians, it is to be then believed that some sense is lacking about what roles members of the Assembly play in the making or breaking of a country as ours.
If someone who belongs to the body charged with the responsibility of appropriating money for spending in a country and with the job of making laws that govern the nation (even laws that the President must adhere to) spends all his waking hours pointing fingers at everyone else but the person in the mirror, questions need to be asked about psychological balance and mental maturity somewhere.
When an elected individual representing a federal constituency invested with the power to call for the impeachment and trial of federal officials accused of wrongdoing prefers the comfort of social media to the courage to walk the talk by making that call in the Red Chambers if truly those accused on this wall are liable, question marks of intent and objective should hang in the air around such an individual.
In sum, the fact remains in these words: no one else out there from whom you seek shared posts, likes and comments has as much power as you do to make things different. In you is the constitutionally vested power to change the status quo. Your commonsense revolution will go into overdrive if you can match your infomercial antics on TV with some achieved legislation you personally pursue to make into laws that touch the lives of the average Joe on the streets. You will realise that you will no longer need to introduce yourself. The Nigerians you've touched with good laws will do that on your behalf.
And should anyone contravene said laws, you will again find that you have the power to bring them to justice. Even if that person is the President himself. Impeach him. Since we are into ads, I'd leave you with this line from Peak Milk, "It's in you."