When I was in kirikiri prison, I heard about an armed robbery in an area in Mainland Lagos. About two hours after the incident, the police arrested a young man passing by for interrogation as a suspect. The IPO requested a N500 bribe but the boy couldn't produce it. The IPO got him tortured until he signed a confessional statement. This was used by the firearms tribunal to sentence the young man to death, by firing squad. The sentence was carried out--- Obasanjo
This story is incomplete, don't you think? So, what to do? Well, story, story...?
And when my life was miraculously spared, even though my execution order was only waiting for the signed fiat of the then evil dictator "Achaba", and also when I was (s)elected as President, Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of "Niregia" I did absolutely nothing to cause reforms of the Prisons Service nor of the flawed legal system that almost resulted in snuffing out my life but by a hair's breath.
Rather, as more innocent people faced the death penalty, firing squads or life behind those rutted bars, I junketted from one country in Europe to another in the Far East and watched as my conglomerate of business interests went from nigh bankruptcy to compete favourably in the international market.
Why, you may ask? Well, twasnt my life on the line any longer. Those who mattered to me had my protection from being cluttered into those jail houses which were brimming with the dregs of society who should know better than being caught lounging around crime scenes. The unlucky few who felt they were not in need of my political patronage could join these lowlifes in prison when the need arose.
However, you'd be dead wrong if you thought all these meant I was manifestly unqualified to proffer advice to another Head of State years after I'd be ingloriously swept off the stage after my botched, but denied, attempt to extend my stay. Hell no! I can still write letters and grant as many interviews as I see fit. Those media people always consider these encounters as "money-spinning" exclusives that guarantee better sales, so me and my ilk will ever remain relevant. As much as people loathe us, they never tire to hear what next we spew from our warped putrid minds. So, I can still talk and be the unofficial adviser of my successors, without any tittle of shame nor pangs of conscience.
Did I just say shame and conscience? Come closer lemme whisper something in your ear. I wouldn't know what SHAME and CONSCIENCE were even if I slept with both of them at once. Oh, except they are Indian prostitutes. Then, I'd make an exception.
- "Osabanjo"
This second part of the story isn't purely a work of fiction but any mental link you make with real life events and characters is yours to value and cherish.
- Story-Teller